Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm were the first major foreign crises for the United States after the end of the Cold War. The successful completion of the war was one of the swiftest in history, however, the war took the lives of many service people.

The goal of the Desert Shield AND DESERT Storm Memorial is to create an educational, meaningful and deeply moving sequential experience for visitors that:

Click the image to watch a video on thoughts behind the Memorial's design

Click the image to watch a video on thoughts behind the Memorial's design

1)   Educates them about the historical events of Desert Shield and Desert Storm;

2)   Identifies each of the coalition countries and illustrates the historical significance of the 34-nation coalition that united to liberate Kuwait;

3)   Reflects the unique environmental and battle conditions experienced by servicemen and women in this war;

4)   Leaves visitors with an enduring memory of the historical significance and accomplishments of Desert Shield and Desert Storm.