On Aug. 2, 1990 Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, his small neighbor to the South and set in motion a chain of events that would impact America and the rest of the world forever. Within mere days, Operation Desert Shield was in full swing with U.S. Military Personnel streaming into Saudi Arabia. Over the next 6 months the buildup of U.S. forces would total close to 700,000 Americans. On January 16th 1991 Operation Desert Storm was launched following Saddam Hussein’s refusal to heed U.N. Resolution 678 by refusing to withdraw his Iraqi forces from Kuwait by January 15, 1991 deadline. After a more than four weeks of relentless bombardment by U.S. and coalition Air Strikes, the ground phase kicked in and was completed!
History tends to overlook the uncertainty and delicate nature of the whole operation. The fact that a coalition of 34 countries had to be held together and the looming threat of Chemical and Biological warfare tends to get brushed aside when talking of Desert Shield/Storm. There were American men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice in extracting the Iraqis and liberating Kuwait. This site as well as The Desert Shield and Desert Storm Memorial is dedicated to honor all those who served, as well as remembering all those who didn’t make it home.
It is our duty, and solemn obligation to NEVER FORGET Operation Desert Shield/Storm and the veterans who served. We need to remember this shining moment in history so that future generations know the meaning of the words: Courage, Honor, Sacrifice, and doing the right thing.
Operation Desert Storm is very unique from past and present wars and conflicts. During the height of the “Cold War” the U.S. was still haunted by the demons of The Vietnam War and the horrible memories of the way our men and women were treated upon returning home. Desert Storm had 5 clear objectives to meet. Once those objectives were met the operation was complete and our veterans came home.
Desert Storm has the unique place in history of being sandwiched between Vietnam and our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Desert Storm helped our country close the painful wounds of Vietnam and the way our men, women, and uniform were treated during that time. Once again we felt proud to be Americans and we were proud, supportive, and thankful for our service members and the jobs that they do. Which has carried over to the current conflicts and our men and women in uniform.
Founding Members Scott Stump, Brenten Byrd, and John Jordan, upon reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of Desert Storm, realized the need for a Desert Shield and Desert Storm Memorial in Washington, D.C. They realized how quickly time passes and that many young people under the age of 30 have no recollection of Desert Storm.